

"That's a funny place for his antenna.."  AHAHAHA! I laughed my head off! I'm watching Planet 51. I bet anyone would laugh if they watch it..hahah..

Anyway, Piak is off to Perth. And will be back nearly midnight and I will be off to Kinabalu when he comes back. But I'll see him tomorrow when I come back.

Anyhoo, had breakfast with my love one at Singapore Table again. And we stopped by chongHock to get a couple of Dvds for me to watch.

My flight last night was not so bad. The worse part is trying to stay awake. It was horrible. I can't wait to go home.

I'm planning on getting a washing machine for my house. The one with a dryer so I will save space. Hehe. Or, I could just use the extra washing machine  mom has at home and air dry the clothes on the hanger. Yeah. Maybe that's what I'll do. Take the free one. And get a nice new one when I can afford it.

I wish I can sleep as much as the cats. Yikes! They were sleeping since about 6 hours ago. Maybe waking up to eat or pee.

I really want to go out. Wish Farah or Ayu were here. Haha. Piak would be better. But he works when I don't and he would still ask for flights. That is another thing that has been bothering me. I would understand him asking for extra flights when he wanted to unfreeze his flying license but now? His license has melted! Why does he need extra flights? Whatever!

Hmm..Come to think of it, I don't think he knows I'm still writing in my blog. Doesn't matter.

I had breakfast with Piak this morning. And now, I'm already hungry. It's alright. I'll just have breakfast tomorrow at the hotel in Kinabalu. I finished watching Planet51 and now I'm watching BandSlam. It's nice so far.

This picture has a lot of really nice memories.

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