

Here I am again, after another flight. A flight far more interesting than the ones before. A flight that usually brings me back home in less than 3 hours, took longer than what we bargained for. Sigh. Rain. You were not very friendly today.

We attempted the approach even though we receive information that there were already a couple of aircraft going around and unable to see the runway to land. As a result, we joined those other aircraft. We were holding here and there and everywhere! We pretty much wasted about a ton of fuel! Well, it cant be helped.

Other than that, everything was as planned.

I only ended up with a bad headache, and an empty stomach as the flight was too short for real food. Not too bad. Hahahha.

As for my sister, here's a picture of the kittens i want to show you. I can't remember if you've seen it or not.

These are the kittens in KB. A brown-ish Black cat gave birth to them. We suspect the father was Si-Bell. A yellow-ish white cat. But the kittens are no longer with us. Mum gave them away, as usual.

And here are the kittens we have downstairs in Bandar.

The mother is exactly the same color as the kittens. Stripe-ish grey. hahah.

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